Sunday, April 12, 2009

happy easter

saturday morning-ish we went to grandma and pampa's house for a yummy brunch. grandma made biscuits in the shape of bunnies and a nice spread of other foods. i finally tried my hand at a quiche, it actually turned out okay. and though all of the four of us from our house got sick in our tummies (not related to the food grandma;), it was still very enjoyable. then sunday morning we headed to a friends church. i still can't believe we made it! with the long night and several fevers and throwing up the night before. :( but it was a wonderful service and once we got home we caught a few pictures before melt down and naps.well mostly before meltdowns after naps we colored eggs and had a hunt in the house. our rainy state didn't allow for an outdoor hunt this year but still fun.
so now i've shared...your turn.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad's Blog said...

Not sure how I missed this blog - but so cute! Looks like kidlets enjoyed the egg coloring - mom & pop too! Very cute.