Monday, February 11, 2008


I was tagged by Kim, so here you go. Six random facts.

This meme asks me to tell you 6 quirky, random or inconsequential facts about myself. The rules for this meme are:

(1) Link to the person that tagged you.
(2) Post the rules on your blog.
(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
1. I've tried and failed a number of times to learn the guitar. And despite being married to a guitar major, I cannot figure it out. So I leave it up to my man.

2. I hate peanut butter. Hate it. Cannot stomach it. So with all of my pregnancies I've known before I tetsed because I actually started craving peanut butter by the spoonfull. Yarf!

3. I'm terrified of raising a girl knowing the wild-child I was growing up. When the ultrasound tech told me Peanut was a girl, I cried. (though don't be fooled, I'm desperately in love with my daughter)

4. I can wiggle my ears, nose, turn over my tongue, and raise both eyebrows seperately. And yes, I practiced these as a child to be sure I knew how.

5. I'm deathly terrified of spiders and have actually passed out at the site of one.

6. I've shaved my head.
I don't know six people on Blog, but I'll tag as many as I DO know. :)



kimberley said...

i'm jealous - i've always wanted to wiggle my ears and raise my eyebrows.

one day...:)

the mommy said...

Practice, practice, practice. lol

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, we love our quirks, don't we? I did this for you because I love better laugh.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for laughing. :)