in the parade on the fourth, there were a group of women representing traditional African culture in the U.S. i’m always blown away by how gorgeous their head wraps are and i’ve always wanted to know how they do it. so i decided i’d learn. i had bought a scarf months and months ago that i’ve used once or twice, but i’m lazy and don’t tend to use it often. and that combined with the morning i’ve been having (or rather the night blending into this morning) i felt the need to chop off my hair because it wouldn't do what i wanted. knowing i was reaching that point, i ran to the computer and did some research. waddya know, i can learn new tricks. So now i have a way to hide my hair when i feel like cutting it all off....for a while anyway. :)
it still needs some work, but hey i learned something new! non-child related. hooray! :)

Very pretty! Way to go, smart mama!
love it darcy!! you look so exotic and beautiful:)
With the wrap and nose ring you look very exotic (I agree with Kim)! You are so beautiful!
wow, well thank you ladies. i was so excited that i even figured it out. it of course fell apart an hour later, but it was fun to try out.
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