it occurs to me that i have not updated in some time. well, a week. but that's a long time for an addict like myself. imagine that in dog years! anyway, on to the update. this saturday is a special day for us as we will be celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary! woo-hoo! five years! can you believe that? we've actually left a "newlywed couple" and become just a "married couple". for real. well, at least we're not an "old married couple" yet. ;) although with two kids...haha. no, i refuse the title for another five years at least.
to "the daddy"~ my wonderful soul-mate, lover, heart, joy, prayer-partner, father of my children, encourager, and friend. i love you more then can every be expressed, no matter how many cliches i pack into this post. i look forward to holding your old wrinkly hand and grossing out teenagers with you.
i love you.

That was the best day of my life, to that point, but you keep making each one better. Everyday you show me a new reason to love you anew. You are an incredible mother and wife, I couldn't wish for a more gentle-hearted partner. You show me how to be a better man and husband by the way you love me and take such care of our family. Thank you for everything in the last One thousand eight hundred and twenty-three days (only four more till the 19th, and just ten minutes left in this day) [and yes, that does include the Leap Years]. You are the best and I love you heaptons, Darcy. I don't know how many days till my hands will get old and wrinkly, but I won't care, either as long as you are the one holding them each day along the way.
AWWWWWWW! You two made my day with your sweet blog PDA! Thank you (both) for sharing those words of love with each other where I could read them. Love you two! I've been thinking about this being your 5th all year long and I'm so happy for you both. Congrats!!
oh!!! i'm all weepy now! you guys are so wonderful and we are so thankful to have you both in our lives, even though it's 1400 miles away now.
love you both and congratulations. and we'll cheering you on as your gross out the teenagers. but knowing tony, he'll be wanting to do the same:)
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