"Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments."
soooo, according to this baby should be sleeping at some point. yes? i'm not convinced.
9 more weeks folks!
It's been too long. And all my pregnancies run together in my mind. I just remember that - eventually - they come out and make their adorable selves known. And I also remember that THEN the sleeplessness really starts. Come to think of it, we had a waterbed, which is awesome for pregnancy. You can sleep on your stomach all the way through :)
Wahoo! You're almost there.
oh yes, this pregnancy is flying much to fast for me. haha. but i am anxious for a few things. sleeping on my tummy is one of them! but i'm happy to take these next nine weeks, heck i'll take a few more months after that if he/she wants to stay. ;) a little more time for full nights sleep (minus the pee breaks and heartburn).
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