Friday, November 13, 2009

post entitled...

don't poke the sleeping bear or
play hard, crash hard
either way...
mommy forgot to dress me today

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

pumpkin picking 2009

fall has fallen, and so we off-ed to the pumpkin fields for pumpkins. twas cold. but alot of fun. it was gummybear's (still working on his out-of-utero nickname) first trip to the pumpkin field. duh. and so far, total indifference. :) however, the oldest two loved it. the dirt. the rain. the super cool rainboots. the piles and piles of pumpkins....ah, a toddlers heaven.and for fun...a comparison to last year!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

one fall day...

monkey pondered life while driving recklesslythen climbed the great mountain of dirt with sisterpeanut butter chased the illusive blue balland then ran as far as her stylish little boots would carrywhich was to the fenced off front yard. :)

now we are off to bake cookies...hooray fall!

Monday, August 17, 2009

it's a boy!

a little late here on the post, but gummybear has finally arrived! born last monday evening at 7:32pm. 9lbs 11oz, 21 1/2 inches long! "gummybear" came into the world after only 2.25 hours of laboring and pushing, even with the small delay due to his shoulder becoming stuck. it was such an amazing experience to go completely natural, aided by my midwives and my incredible husband. after having the baby, i began to lose good deal of blood and there was a concern that we may have to head to the hospital but my body bounced back. thank you Lord.
we're all settling in well. the older two kids are very gentle and loving towards the new baby. monkey is having a little bit of a two year old attitude issue, but we're working through it with him. :)
thank you to the daddy's mother for the days spent here with me while i healed and rested! thank you to everyone else for the prayers and love.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

guess i'm having one of each...

ha! had you going there for a second didn't i? no, i'm referring to the dead even guesses on boy or girl. i really enjoyed watching it go back a forth, and it cracks me up that it evened out RIGHT before closing.
okay, but now's the time to fess up. what did you guess?? common people, help me pass the time. i'm so dying to be done here!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

time to pop!

day before having monkey day before having peanut
two weeks before due date...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

feelin' a breeze

do you think she notices?

Friday, June 19, 2009

freaky friday

those second born kids...
peanut amazed me when she actually peed and then told me. having the two (soon to be three) so close in age can be exceptionally hard work. but there the times when it pays off in HUGE ways! go baby girl!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

32 weeks

and can you believe it's already time to order our home birth kit? where did this pregnancy go?

ha ha, i can see why peanut gets so mad when she tries to sit in my lap. poor little girl, baby is already moving in on her space.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

they liveeee

somehow i managed to transplant the little planters monkey and i did about two months ago. i'm way impressed by these little things! they may even produce something given enough time. :)and for a little comparison, this is right before the transplant. they're HUGE now!

Monday, June 8, 2009

they say...

"Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments."
soooo, according to this baby should be sleeping at some point. yes? i'm not convinced.
9 more weeks folks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

nothing better...

then cool water on a hot, summer day... a daddy to dunk you... a big belly to lean on... some shade to splash in...and darling tummys to kiss!

Monday, May 18, 2009

wal-mart: the high cost of low prices

this is not meant to shame anyone. it is not meant as a slam against anyone who shops at or supports walmart. it is instead simply an explanation as to why my family PERSONALLY chooses not to use walmart. i have many friends and family who have asked me why and I want to be completely honest. it was not an easy choice to make; their prices are honestly fantastic. but at what cost? or rather, at the cost of who’s family? again, i’m not meaning to belittle anyone’s choice to shop walmart. how on earth would i have any right to judge you for choosing to pay low prices, so you can afford to live in this economy?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

rice kriiiiispies

making rice krispie treats is so much fun. made MUCH more fun by the eating of marshmellows as you go...

and the sharing of sticky fingers!

but i still love the making part!

Monday, May 4, 2009

boy or girl?

i see you voting! what do you think baby gummybear is? :)

peanut says: sister please!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"red keys" and other fun facts

monkey has a couple of interlocking rings that he has named "red keys" and likes to use to "start" his rocking horse. they do have other purposes however. such as they MUST be in hand when pooping on the potty, i do believe they hold pushing power for my pint-sized son. and of course, in hand when taking a nap.

when peanut poops in her diaper, he will run around the house yelling "peanut pooped, peanut pooped". tonight he was sitting at the table eating dinner when he informed me with a scrunched up nose "i think peanut pooped". she had not.

peanut loves to follow her brother from room to room and copy whatever he is doing at the moment. the most recently enjoyed moment was when i was telling monkey to "push" his foot into his sandle and peanut began grunting. i had completely forgotten we tell monkey to "push" when he is on the toilet. at least we know her hearing is good.

both of the kids have taken to sitting IN the fridge as soon as i open it. peanut started this, i assume because she was feeling to warm. maybe she just wants to lay claim to the food before brother does.

there's mor ei'm sure, but there is a little peek into our days for now. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

my son has a green thumb!

i do believe his grandma passed on some green thumbiness (oh yes, it's a word), through his daddy. i have never had a plant live. granted i've never tried seeds before, but every plant i have owned has quickly seen the other side. so imagine my surprise when i woke up yesterday morning to a liiiiitle green sprout on the tomato, and by mid-day THIS...

it looks like the tomato is ready to shoot up, and you can see one tiny little sprout on the sunflower. we shall see about the strawberry, but i have high hopes. :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

going orange today

today our little stellan went into heart surgery. you can read all about how's it's been going and how he is doing by clicking on my picture above. to show our support to the mckmama family we threw some orange into our day and said a prayer stellan.
this picture is from a few days back. but i'm sure you can picture the peanut today, running around in pink/orange polka dots and flowers, whispy-blond hair flying in the wind. monkey enjoyed his orange stripped-shirt while begging for "orge" (orange syrup) in his milk. what the heck, it's for stellan right? :) as for the mommy? i'll leave the orange up to the kids, i haven't pulled that color off for a few decades.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

more easter

let the hunting...begin! playing with the plastic eggs from grandma and pampa