monkey has a good deal of sippy cups. blue, orange and blue, green and blue. his favorite are the "cars" sippies. they hold a good ten ounces of liquid so they are probably my favorites as well. a little less time spent during the day refilling. but these are very boyish cups. peanut butter was moved to bottles two weeks ago, and is really a champ at draining them. however, and i'm sure i'm not alone in this, i HATE washing bottles! so it was with great joy that i witnessed my precious daughter take some very diluted apple juice from her bright pink and purple cup! they say by your second child these milstones, though wonderful, do not hold the same thrill. "they" are way off. :) i just about woke monkey from his nap by jumping up and down singing "the sippy song".
so now sitting side-by-side with monkey's super cool "cars" cups, is a very girly sippy.

I agree each milestone for each child is just as exciting. For sure. Maybe a little more so with the second. I love all the girl stuff, it is just way cuter. When looking for anything for TJ I always end up looking at how cute the girl stuff is.
how cute is that??!!
is there anyway you could record *the sippy song* and post it? i'd love to hear it:).
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