Thursday, September 25, 2008
growing pains
first teeth
graduating to a "big boy" bed.jpg)
saying goodbye to paci
(we don't actually have a picture of this, but you can imagine it i'm sure)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
a very girly sippy
monkey has a good deal of sippy cups. blue, orange and blue, green and blue. his favorite are the "cars" sippies. they hold a good ten ounces of liquid so they are probably my favorites as well. a little less time spent during the day refilling. but these are very boyish cups. peanut butter was moved to bottles two weeks ago, and is really a champ at draining them. however, and i'm sure i'm not alone in this, i HATE washing bottles! so it was with great joy that i witnessed my precious daughter take some very diluted apple juice from her bright pink and purple cup! they say by your second child these milstones, though wonderful, do not hold the same thrill. "they" are way off. :) i just about woke monkey from his nap by jumping up and down singing "the sippy song".
so now sitting side-by-side with monkey's super cool "cars" cups, is a very girly sippy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
ten second rule
we (his daddy and i) have been teaching monkey how to "dip". he's very careful with it and doesn't make much of a mess. in fact, trying to teach him how to use those tub paints was fun. he would get them on the side of the tub and then wash them off right away without playing with or mixing them. it took a little convincing that they are for messes. anyway, dipping. he's very careful and clean about it usually. so imagine my surprise when i took ten seconds to run up to take of peanut butter who was supposed to be sleeping and returned to this...
i'm so proud of him.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
adventures in breastfeeding cont...
as you all know i was in the process of weaning peanut due to the many complications with nursing her. in a fantastic turn of events i was able to figure out the cause of the issues and remedy them. hooray! i will be able to continue nursing peanut for a while as i had wanted to in the beginning. the good thing that came from all this is that i am able to leave her with grandma for a bit once in a while and not end up in pain over it. so there is the news on the breastfeeding front.
as for peanut butter who will be SEVEN months tomorrow, she finally cut two of her bottom teeth and i believe is in the midst of working on the top two. she's of course sitting on her own as you can see by the blog below. i doubt she'll bother with crawling however and just go straight to cruising things. the kid truly hates tummy time. peanut has been eating solids for about two months now, and starting tomorrow will begin with teething biscuits and puffs. i still can't believe she's already at this stage!
and monkey, our TWENTY-ONE month old started off today with climbing right out of his crib! so much for that barrier, guess it's time to take the sides off and move him into his toddler bed. i mean what's the point of the crib now? he then turned the door handle and came on out into the hall. holy toddler-proofing time batman! monkey's trying all sorts of new things this week. his daddy and i, took monkey out for a day alone with mommy and daddy sunday while g-ma and g-pa watched peanut. we wanted to see how monkey would react to the pool at the YMCA since we plan to enroll him in classes this fall. he LOVED it! i'm so excited to start him on those. there is also a yoga "mama and me" class that i'm going to take him too. that should be some fun. other then that, monkey has finally cut all his teeth but his two year molars which makes for a much happier little man. however...he's has gone running head-first and full speed into the terrible two's. massive temper tantrums and screaming fits. oh hooray. it amazes me what sets him off too. like a door being open (or closed depending on the mood). or not being allowed that tenth fig newton because he may never stop pooping!
(i swear this shouldn't run together, but i can't figure out how to keep it from looking smushed. sorry)
Monday, September 1, 2008
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