breastfeeding. ooooh, dirty word for some. and understandably so. in our culture when a women lifts her shirt to feed her baby, it's met with stares and glares. not much encouragment. i can remember the first time i decided to feed peanut in public. well who are we kidding, i'm not one to back away from a challenge, she was less then a month and i decided to do it in front of teenagers in a waiting room at the mall. HA! made them squirm. not that that is my intent, but boy was it fun.
when i decided i wanted to breastfeed was of course with my son. as most of you know, he ended up in children's hospital at three days old and with all the feeding tubes and wires, my hopes of breastfeeding were wisked away in three sleepless nights of crying and heartbreak. monkey wouldn't latch. nothing we did worked, and after trying desperately, i decided to pump and feed him for six weeks and then switched to formula. let me interject something here. i am so grateful that we live in a day and age that provides us with formula when we, as the mothers cannot provide of our own. i would never dream of forcing my "ideas" of breastfeeding on anyone. this is to support those who have already decided to. and if i can educate someone about the benefits, i will. happily. ask me anytime. but not today.
when we found out we were pregnant with peanut , i was once again ready to try nursing. i read up, talked to friends, and did my best to prepare myself. when peanut came she latched right away and my heart sang. any mother who has even for the briefest of moments, held their child close and nursed them will tell you, there is nothing quite like the bond you feel. i still feel that bond to monkey, and i nursed him for less then four days. peanut is a nursing champ, and i am blessed to have made it six months as of tomorrow. it's been one of the longest roads i've ever been on. i've fought through mastitis many times, thrush many times, pain, sleepless nights, and frustration. i have a glitch in my system that causes me to be prone to clogs. which causes me to be prone to mastitis. my doctor has given up and told me to quite. my lactation consultant has run out of ideas. even the lovely ladies at the LLL (la leache league) are lost. but i refuse to give up. it's what's best for my daughter.
when i realized today marked the beginning of world breastfeeding week, and i could say that i'm was a part of that...i can't explain the feeling. i desperately wish i could! i realize i've been somewhat bull-head about this, but i feel so strong now! i'm a mom, and i've done what only a mom can! nothing will change that, ever. i can't imagine how excited God must have been to create us with the desire and ability to nurse our children. knowing what we would feel when we made it a minute, a day, a week, a month, a year.
THIS is why we feed our children in public. we're not trying to embarrass you (unless your a punk teenager, lol) kidding. it's because we hear our child cry from hunger and we choose to provide love and comfort to them right then. next time you see a women stuggling to hide her boob while feed her baby, smile. you don't have to smile at her if it makes you feel uncomfortable. it's okay to feel that way. but smile, and know that what she is doing is something only an amazing, loving God could dream up.
a thing of beauty

Nice post, Darcy. I am so proud of you for fighting through all the junk to breastfeed Emma successfully. I'd never have had the gumption to do what you've done!
thanks, i've lived on every word of encouragment you each have given me.
My kids' mom rules. Inspirational and stronger than even she knows. I am blessed and thankful to call her Wife.
You're such a strong woman Darcy. I admired you for your determination to succeed. I know it has been really hard and I can relate to a lot of your feelings. I could only breasfeed Brian for 3.5 months but I was grateful for making it at least that long. Having been down that road, I personally know how hard it is. Hats off to you, my friend.
Love ya!!!!!
Sis, I don't know if this will help, but earlier this year a friend of ours overcame some lactating issues by using this tea:
Amen! Love this post. Love your commitment to breastfeeding. Excellent. Thanks for sharing and educating!
yay for boobs!!:)
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