a little late here on the post, but gummybear has finally arrived! born last monday evening at 7:32pm. 9lbs 11oz, 21 1/2 inches long! "gummybear" came into the world after only 2.25 hours of laboring and pushing, even with the small delay due to his shoulder becoming stuck. it was such an amazing experience to go completely natural, aided by my midwives and my incredible husband. after having the baby, i began to lose good deal of blood and there was a concern that we may have to head to the hospital but my body bounced back. thank you Lord.
we're all settling in well. the older two kids are very gentle and loving towards the new baby. monkey is having a little bit of a two year old attitude issue, but we're working through it with him. :) 

thank you to the daddy's mother for the days spent here with me while i healed and rested! thank you to everyone else for the prayers and love.