we're home! peanut was diagnosed with a high white cell count and fever. you read that right, they have no idea what it was so she was diagnoised with symptoms. i'm realizing more and more how much we take for granted that the medical world has discovered all the sickies that exist. turns out, they haven't! we're continuing to keep on eye on her, but she looks like she's on the road to recovery. no more fever, no more refusing bottles. she has energy again, and was even smiling at the nursing staff as we left. we got home this evening and gave her a bath. that went a long way to bringing back our sweet little girl.
peanut is now sleeping in her crib, curled up to "lucy", and we have monkey in daddy's lap. bright red eyes, coughing and running a fever of 103.5. we gave him motrin an hour ago and his fever has not yet dropped, but we are in contact with our pedi so avoiding another trip to children's looks promising!
thank you again to everyone who prayed, called, email, commented, texted and comforted. God has blessed us with such an enormous amount of friends we call family. i hope you all have a wonderful week, and i'll keep you updated on monkey's progress. as of now it looks good, just like a couple of rough days ahead.