This passed Sunday we partied down for Monkey'sup-coming first birthday! It was low key, but very fun. Many of our dear friends made it out despite the snow storm that had swept through the night before and day of. Followed by of course RAIN! Monkey got to play out in the snow for a bit, followed by a fun day of decorating and star cupcakes. I can't believe a year has gone by since the birth of our baby boy. We love this little guy so much.
For Monkey's first Halloween, we went trick-or-treating with some friends of ours in downtown Snohomish. They have all the bussiness owners outside, often dressed up and handing out candy. Monkey couldn't have any this year, but he did make a nice haul for mommy and daddy. :) It was a lot of fun going around with our friends and their children, I just LOVE Halloween! Here are some pictures of our Monkey, and a few of his friends.
Family picture.
Grandma M and Monkey
Playing with Daddy.My girlfriends and I with our children (Fuzz not pictured :)